interviews in english

September 2020

Dance in focus finland

A short clip of press review and audience feedback of Blondes-performance, December 2018
Laura Pietiläinen is a pretty wonderful artist. There is disarming sincerity in her works and revealing her own pain points. The new Blondes work may have begun as a reuse of the materials in the old work, but the end result is something completely new, multi-layered, surprising and touching art living in this time. ” ( Piia Ahonen, Zodiak)

“ However, 18 years is not a very long time. In order to see the differences and to recognize similarities in the 2000 atmosphere, sensitivity and brains are needed, as well as the courage to throw into the insights and hints. Fortunately, these features have never been missing from Laura Pietiläinen's works. The style of Pietiläinen, which is mirroring the environment without a skin and still powerful auteur handwriting, is perhaps the most influential in Blondes. The autobiographical portions are bare, but the fantasy of group work is equally revealing. Blondes is not any general version of Tuovinen´s solo work but perhaps a piece which is sharing even more painful personal experiences than the original work. ” (Maria Säkö, Helsingin Sanomat press review 6.12.2018)


September 2017

Vestiarium Woman

The Link to Vestiarium-woman article